AFP Kabul Chief Photographer Shah Marai killed in a double suicide attack in Kabul
Shah Marai was killed in Kabul on Monday 30 April after rushing to the scene to cover an initial explosion in the Afghan capital. The second attack clearly targeted the press: eight other journalists working for local media were among the victims.
Agendia®, Inc. announced today that the National Institute for Sickness and Invalidity Insurance (INAMI-RIZIV) located in Brussels has expanded the reimbursement indication for MammaPrint® to include its use in the neoadjuvant setting, effective January 1, 2025. The genomic assay will now be available for full reimbursement for patients with HR+/HER2 negative early-stage breast cancer in both the pre- and postoperative settings, enabling testing on core needle biopsies for neoadjuvant treatment...
AFP to showcase its finest Africa pictures at NexTV CEO Africa
AFP will showcase some of its finest pictures on Africa to the media leaders of the continent invited to the third edition of NexTV CEO Africa, an influential annual event for the TV, media and entertainment industry in Africa organized by DATAXIS.
The US-Mexico border, through the lenses of AFP photographers
An exhibit of 44 striking images of the US-Mexican border taken by photographers for Agence France-Presse opened Friday in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, with the border itself as a backdrop.
AFP creates the exhibition “Sport and Tradition” in Bangkok
The European Data Hub, co-founded by AFP, launches a new enriched version
Now established as a site of reference for major European issues, the EDNH (European Data News Hub) is launching a new version of its platform. More reactive to European news and accessible in more languages, the EDNH aims to bring online users and global media invaluable insights into the most important issues within the EU. These include Brexit, the European elections, the migrant crisis and policies to fight climate change.
AFP Journalists Recognised for Rohingya Refugee Coverage
AFP photographer honored by Honduran Congress
Honduras' Congress presented AFP photojournalist Orlando Sierra with its "Photographer of the Year" award Thursday for his outstanding images in a year marked by deadly protests in the Central American state.
Meet the AFP team at RISE 2018 in Hong Kong
Hong Kong, July 9-12, 2018