Agence France-Presse announced today the launch of its iPhone application “AFP Mobile” on the Apple App Store. The application for iPhone and iPod Touch enables users to read the latest news from all over the world, delivered with accuracy, speed and in-depth by AFP’s worldwide network of journalists. It gives access to the global news agency’s multimedia content in English, Spanish, Portuguese and German, including breaking world news from wars and conflicts to politics, sport and entertainment, as well as the latest major developments in health, science and technology.
Agence France-Presse announced today the launch of its iPhone application “AFP Mobile” on the Apple App Store. The application for iPhone and iPod Touch enables users to read the latest news from all over the world, delivered with accuracy, speed and in-depth by AFP’s worldwide network of journalists. It gives access to the global news agency’s multimedia content in English, Spanish, Portuguese and German, including breaking world news from wars and conflicts to politics, sport and entertainment, as well as the latest major developments in health, science and technology.