Code of ethics for foundation-supported journalism
AFP’s core mission, as stated in its founding statute, is to provide accurate, honest, balanced, impartial and uninterrupted news coverage of world events free of political, financial or ideological influence.
All projects undertaken with philanthropic organisations must respect the principles laid out in the AFP charter and statute.
AFP will accept funds from philanthropic organisations to enable the Agency to carry out more comprehensive and deeper journalism, while supporting and collaborating with local media stakeholders.
Such projects will be organised under the strict observance of AFP’s editorial freedom and independence and based on the following criteria:
1. Maintain editorial priorities in line with the Agency’s founding statute, irrespective of the funding source.
2. Maintain complete editorial independence from beginning to completion.
3. Full transparency regarding partners, workflows and guidelines. We will disclose the source of funding while stressing that AFP maintains full editorial independence.
4. Potential funders include philanthropic institutions, such as charitable foundations and non-profits, that support media projects in line with AFP’s core interests.
5. Funders are vetted by AFP's global news management to ensure that their activities and founding principles are compatible with the Agency's standards and principles.
6. AFP will seek diverse funding sources to avoid becoming dependent on any philanthropic organisation.
7. The funds are intended to enable long-term projects to be carried out with greater resources. All projects must be vetted by the Global Editor-in-Chief's department.
8. Funders have no role in the execution of the projects, nor are given any advance access to the content to be published or have a say in its distribution. Funders have no direct access to the Agency’s journalists and editors.
9. Philanthropic funds are treated separately from commercial revenues.
10. Projects are carried out by full-time AFP staff, freelancers and media partners. AFP will support other media and journalists who lack access to foundations, such as partnering with them for projects and training.